Step 1: Create your activity!

Ask the right questions

There are all kinds of fundraising activities. How do you organize them? We have a small idea. To choose a project, ask yourself: What type of activity can combine business with pleasure? Why ? Who to invite? When and where will it take place?

Submit your business idea

Now is the time to submit it to the Foundation for approval. Just choose, in this page , the type of activity you want to organize. Once approved, a consultant will help you make your activity a success.

Form an organizing committee

Organizing a benefit activity is within everyone’s reach. A word of advice: it is all the easier to achieve when you are well surrounded. Consider getting help from people dedicated to the cause and available to carry out certain tasks.

Step 2: Plan your activity!

Plan the activity

Next step: planning is the key to success! Establish the list of tasks (reserving a space, sponsoring products or services, recruiting volunteers, creating invitations, etc.). We can advise you in your steps.

Mobilize those around you

Another step is to share your interest in this cause with those around you. When inviting them to your activity, remember to communicate your motivation, your objective and all the important details (place, date, needs, participants, etc.).

Use promotional tools

To talk about your business, you will need promotional tools. The Foundation provides you, according to your needs, with tools to promote your activity such as posters, web banners, etc.

Step 3: Set your goal!

Set your fundraising goal

Aiming for a financial goal for your fundraising is nothing insignificant. It is important to set a realistic and achievable goal or target an amount that exceeds your expectations if you have a taste for a challenge. Lead by example: your own gift can inspire attendees to give as much.

Estimate expenses

A good way to establish a budget is to estimate the expenses related to your activity. This budget informs participants of the actual amount needed to carry out your fundraising activity. A way to show your investment in this project.

Look for sponsorships

Finding sponsorships will allow you to reduce the expenses of your activity and donate a larger amount to the cause. Before approaching companies or businesses, take the time to write a written proposal indicating the following information: nature and holding of the activity, cause supported, amount requested, visibility offered to the sponsor, etc.

Step 4: Finalize the creation of your activity!

Follow up

Your invitations have been sent and some responses are pending? No impatience! One way to approach people casually is to send them a follow-up email to find out if they’re interested in your activity or to call them for a friendly reminder.

Create a webpage

What could be more effective than a personalized web page to present your activity and obtain donations online? In a few clicks, you can send messages, share your initiative in social networks and consult the donations collected.

Thank your allies

The time has come to warmly thank all those who participated in your activity and contributed to its success, in one way or another. Inform them of the amount of the donations and, why not, accompany this word of thanks as well as one or more photos of the event!

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